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Young Crystallographers Satellite meeting

Date : 23 August 2022

Venue : Palais des Congrès de Versailles

Organizer : Phil HANS, Marta MORANA, Camille GODEFROY


At this event, early career researchers will have the opportunity to present their work and socialize with their peers in an informal and friendly environment.

Oral and poster presentations from all aspects of crystallography will ensure that there is something for everyone's interests!

Please send your abstract to and indicate, which type of contribution you prefer. Depending on time slots and contributions the micro symposium organizers will make a schedule and will try to respect all wishes. The time per talk will be announced on 31/07/2022 latest. Poster submissions will be possible until the final ECM33 deadline. More information and updates will be distributed in the light of the number of contributions at our social media channels and the by conference organizers.

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