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Electron Crystallography School

Date : 29, 30, 31 August & 1 September

Venue : Caen, Normandy

Organizer : Philippe BOULLAY


School on 3D electron diffraction techniques and how to apply them for structure determination of nano/microcrystals too small for single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The topics will cover inorganic, organic and biological compounds. The school will include both lectures and practical sessions on computers.

List of topics to be covered:

  • The development of various 3D electron diffraction techniques – a historical perspective.

  • Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy and electron diffraction.

  • Electron diffraction (SAED, CBED, PED) and space group determination.

  • Sample preparation for both materials and life sciences.

  • 3D ED Data collection.

  • 3D ED Data Processing and data merging including practical demo labs.

  • Methods for phasing diffraction data – small molecules and macromolecules.

  • Practical demo labs for structure solution and refinement with 3D ED data.

  • Dynamical refinement (PEDT/cRED).

  • New developments in 3D electron crystallography.

  • The school also includes poster presentations and company presentations.

  • The last day will include a round table discussion.

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